Faktor utama dalam membuat design proyek Airport adalah, tanah yg bisa dikonversi sebagai lokasi. Airport butuh ruang untuk bekerja dan tumbuh. Jika diinginkan suatu airport tetap terbuka dalam cuaca yg ekstrim maka dibutuhkan peralatan2 canggih agar pesawat selamat mendarat. Jika business booming dibutuhkan tanah untuk membangun runway baru, dampaknya akan memindahkan penduduk seperti Soetta airport harus memindahkan 2000 kepala keluarga.
Airport harus untung maka perhitungan mengenai cost benefit, return on investment diharuskan. Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport dengan menambah runway ke lima berhasil menghemat pengeluaran industri penerbangan $ 260 million per tahun untuk delay cost. Airport perlu tampil sebagai tempat yg menyenangkan maka tersedia fasilitas services seperti pertokoan, restoran,
Soetta Airport: Antri untuk take off
Soetta Airport: Berbagai jenis pesawat
Soetta Airport: Airport sangat sibuk
Components of an airport complex – Landside, terminal building and airside facilities Introduction Components of an Airport terminal Air side facilities Land side facilities Terminal Building • Runway • Apron • Taxiway • Gate • Control tower • Curb front pedestrian facilities • Public transportation (including bus and rail) • Parking facilities • Entry exit roadways Passenger movement Baggage handling • Passengers embark and disembark from the aircrafts.
Soetta Airport: General baggage claim
Passanger Forecasting
Pada tahun 2012 Menko perekonimian menunjuk ITOCHU Corporation SHIMIZU CORPORATION Japan Airport Terminal Co., Ltd. Nikken Sekkei Ltd Nikken Sekkei Research Institute Japan Economic Research Institute Inc melakukan STUDY ON SOEKARNO HATTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT EXPANSION AND UPGRADING PROJECT. Dalam studi tersebut dipertimbangkan a.l. pertubuhan PDB antara 5 – 6 % juga rencana public transportation.
Soekarno Hatta Airport dalam forecast akan melayani 60 juta penumpang pada 2016, 80 – 90 % domistik dan sisanya Asing. Berbeda dengan Singapore, Changi Airport yg didominasi oleh Asing dibandingkan domistik. Sydney Airport sampai tahun 2033 akan melayani penerbangan Internasional 40%, Domistik 56% dan Regional 4%.
Tentunya faktor tersebut dipertimbangan dalam membuat design Airport.
Low Cost Flight – Low Cost Airport
- The development of low-cost airports and airport facilities is largely catalyzed by the expansion of low-cost airlines, in the sense that the low-cost airlines come first, and the low-cost airports (and low-cost facilities) mostly come afterwards.
- Low-cost airports largely develop in competition with major airports, either as secondary airports in a metropolitan multi-airport system, or as destinations that bypass the use of a centralized metropolitan hub.
- The business model for low-cost airports is distinct from that of the traditional major airports. Mirroring the difference between low-cost and legacy airlines, low-cost airports emphasize profitability through operational efficiency and minimal frills.
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