By : Alejandro Foxley and Fernando Sossdorf Five Case Studies: Countries That Succeeded in Transitioning From Middle- Income to Advanced Economies Untuk memahami peristiwa2 fundamental atau faktor yg menyulut percepatan fase growth dalam ekonomi dari negara yg mengalami perlambatan, sangat…
Author: Gandatmadi Gondokusumo
By : Alejandro Foxley and Fernando Sossdorf Alejandro Tomás Foxley Rioseco (born 26 May 1939 in Viña del Mar) is a Chilean economist and politician. He was the Foreign Minister of Chile from 2006 to 2009 and previously served as…
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu berbasis Power Generated Offshore
PLTB terdapat dua jenis yaitu Power Generated OnShore dan Powe Generated Offshore, yg pertama dipasang di daratan sedang yg kedua dibangun di pantai dangkal sampai agak dalam. Kebutuhan listrik ( konsumsi ) 2003 s.d. 2020 diperkirakan tumbuh sebesar 6,5% per…
Prof Dr Vijay Govindarajan ‘ The Three Box Solution ‘
Prof Dr. Vijay Govindarajan, born in Madras India of Nov 8 1949, US Nationality. Professor of International Business at the Tuck School and founding director of Tuck’s Center for Global Leadership. He is also the faculty co-director for Global Leadership…
The New World Order, Call for a Coordinated Global Response
Albert H. Gordon Lecture presented by Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Finance Minister of Indonesia The New World Order, Call for a Coordinated Global Response Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2017. Location: Havard Kennedy School , Cambridge USA. Against the backdrop of the…
Council of the Economic Advisers ( CEA )
Setiap Presiden dinegara manapun selalu memiliki penasehat, meskipun posisinya bukan sebagai eksekutif tetapi posisinya sangat sentral. Demikian halnya dengan Council of Economic Advisers ( CEA ) untuk President USA, is an agency within the Executive Office of the President (…
Topeng Kelono & Music Consert
Mengapa the FED menaikkan interest rate ?
Diantara artikel seputar kenaikan interest rate oleh The FED pada tgl 15 Maret 2017 adalah tulisan John Crudele dari New York Post tertanggal 13 Maret 2017 atau 2 hari sebelum the FED mengambil keputusan menaikkan menjadi 0.75 % – 1…
Escaping the Middle Income Trap: Total Factor Productivity
“The best way to predict the future is to create it,” said Peter Drucker. Keajaiban yg menciptakan pertumbuhan ekonomi dari low income ke middle income kemudian ke high income dalam istilah ekonomi disebut Total Factor Productivity ( TFP ), adalah…
Escaping the National Middle-Income Trap
Pembicaraan mengenai Middle Income Trap ( MI Trap ) tetap berlangsung secara intens. September 2016 Noah Smith, columunist Bloomberg serta asistant professor of finance pada Story Book University menulis pendek dengan judul Escaping the National Middle Income Trap. Tulisan Noah…