Pakar keuangan mendiskusikan apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan terhadap uang, mengeksplorasi bagaimana bentuk modal tradisional dan bagaimana perkembangannya di tahun-tahun mendatang Oleh Ian Fraser, 15 Maret, 2019 The end of cash Sebagian besar negara maju dengan cepat bergerak menuju…
Powell, Yellen and Bernanke in Conversation during American Economic Association’s annual meeting in Atlanta – part final
Ketua Federal Reserve (The FED) Jerome Powell (Lawyer, Princeton University) lahir 1953 bergabung dalam percakapan dengan mantan pemimpin Fed Janet Yellen (ekonom, Yale University) lahir 1947 dan Ben Bernanke (ekonom,MIT,dosen Princeton) lahir 1953 selama pertemuan tahunan American Economic Association di…
Powell, Yellen and Bernanke in Conversation during American Economic Association’s annual meeting in Atlanta – part 3
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell joined in conversation with former Fed leaders Janet Yellen and Ben Bernanke during the American Economic Association’s annual meeting in Atlanta on Friday, Jan. 4, 2019. Mr. Powell discussed the state of the U.S. economy,…
Powell, Yellen and Bernanke in Conversation during American Economic Association’s annual meeting in Atlanta – part 2
Ketua Federal Reserve (The FED) Jerome Powell (Lawyer, Princeton University) lahir 1953 bergabung dalam percakapan dengan mantan pemimpin Fed Janet Yellen (ekonom, Yale University) lahir 1947 dan Ben Bernanke (ekonom,MIT,dosen Princeton) lahir 1953 selama pertemuan tahunan American Economic Association di…
Powell, Yellen and Bernanke in Conversation during American Economic Association’s annual meeting in Atlanta (part 1)
January 04, 2019 (Ringkasan transcript) Ketua Federal Reserve (The FED) Jerome Powell (Lawyer, Princeton University) lahir 1953 bergabung dalam percakapan dengan mantan pemimpin Fed Janet Yellen (ekonom, Yale University) lahir 1947 dan Ben Bernanke (ekonom,MIT,dosen Princeton) lahir 1953 selama pertemuan…
Realisasi APBN 2018 (lanjutan)
Kurs, Cadangan Devisa, Global Bond, Pasar Modal & Kredit Bank., SUN Kurs Rupiah Nilai tukar rupiah menguat tajam pada awal tahun ini. Mengacu pada data Reuters, rupiah sempat menyentuh Rp 13.990 per dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) atau yang terkuat sejak…
Bloomberg: Indonesia Consumers Enjoy Cheap Loans Even After Rate Hikes
By Karlis Salna and Tassia Sipahutar November 29, 2018, Bank Indonesia menaikkan suku bunga enam kali tahun ini, namun suku bunga pinjaman yang diterima konsumen dari Perbankan tidak berubah. Antara bulan Mei dan September, ketika Bank Indonesia menaikkan suku bunga…
The Role of Expectations in Monetary Policy: Evolution of Theories and the Bank of Japan’s Experience episode 3
Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan Speech at the University of Oxford , June 8, 2017 4.New Challenges under Low Inflation It can be said that Japan’s experience over the past four years illustrates the effectiveness of the…
The Role of Expectations in Monetary Policy: Evolution of Theories and the Bank of Japan’s Experience – episode 2
Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan Speech at the University of Oxford, June 8, 2017 2.Deflation in Japan: Declines in Potential Growth Rate and Inflation Expectations. Since the 1990s, economic volatility has sharply decreased in many advanced economies.…
The Role of Expectations in Monetary Policy: Evolution of Theories and the Bank of Japan’s Experience – episode 1
Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan Speech at the University of Oxford., June 8, 2017 Introduction I am very honored to have the opportunity to give a speech at Oxford University today. At the same time, it is…