US Federal Reserve signals 6 more interest rate hikes for 2022 as Inflation projection raised 4,3 % from 2,6 %. The FED after it raised rates by 25 basis points to range between 0.25% and 0.50%. The Fed’s median federal…
Recession Remedies
On Thursday, April 28, 2022, The Hamilton Project and Hutchins Center hosted an in-person event, which was also livestreamed online, featuring an introductory welcome from former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin, the keynote address from Secretary Yellen, and closing…
the government bond yields (1)
Global and Regional Market Developments (May 2020) Imbal hasil obligasi (Bond yields) berbeda di negara berkembang Asia Timur di tengah berlanjutnya keberanian ambil risiko yang lemah dan prospek ekonomi yang suram. Antara 28 Februari dan 29 Mei, sentimen investasi global…
we are with you and we want Indonesia agenda in this meeting will be successful
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen emphasized that the United States will continue to work in solidarity with Indonesia to advance the important business of the G20, including addressing the negative impacts of Russia’s invasion on the global economy. Dalam pertemuan…
IMF Seminar: Debate on the Global Economy (4/21/2022)
EVENT SUMMARY The war in Ukraine comes at a time when the world is confronted with challenges including the pandemic and rising inflationary pressures. Multilateral efforts are more important than ever to address these challenges and foster a stronger, greener,…
Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia 2021
* Ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2021 tumbuh sebesar 3,69 persen. * Ekonomi Indonesia triwulan IV-2021 mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 5,02 (yoy) * Ekonomi Indonesia triwulan IV-2021 mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 1,06 persen (q-to-q). Pada kuartal terakhir 2021, kasus positif Covid-19 turun. Ini dibarengi…
Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Kwartal IV 2021
Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan IV-2021 * Ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2021 tumbuh sebesar 3,69 persen. * Ekonomi Indonesia triwulan IV-2021 mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 5,02 (yoy) * Ekonomi Indonesia triwulan IV-2021 mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 1,06 persen (q-to-q). 1.Perekonomian Indonesia 2021 yang diukur…
Debate on Inflation & Will the Biden stimulus lead to inflation?
1.On Friday, January 21, 2022: Paul R. Krugman & Lawrence H. Summers joined Markus’ Academy for another Debate on Inflation. Moderated by Markus Brunnermeir 2.On Friday, February 12, 2021: Paul Krugman and Lawrence H. Summers joined Markus’ Academy for a…
Global Economic Outlook – 2022
CNBC’s Geoff Cutmore Speakers IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda, ECB President Christine Lagarde, Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Brazilian Economy Minister Paulo Guedes. Posted by
January 13, 202209:00 am EST Moderator: Dani Rodrik (Harvard University). President of IEA Panelists: Penny Goldberg (Yale; former editor, AER, president of Econometric Society), Rema Hanna (Harvard, Co-editor, AER and former editor REStat and JHR), Jim Poterba (MIT, president of NBER), Beatrice Weder di…