Broadcast on May 19, 2017 Ms. Nancy Rosalie Lazar is the Chief Executive Officer and Partner at Cornerstone Macro, LLC. Ms. Lazar leads the economic research team at the firm. Her work is known for being comprehensive, highly-detailed and…
Bloomberg: Indonesia Consumers Enjoy Cheap Loans Even After Rate Hikes
By Karlis Salna and Tassia Sipahutar November 29, 2018, Bank Indonesia menaikkan suku bunga enam kali tahun ini, namun suku bunga pinjaman yang diterima konsumen dari Perbankan tidak berubah. Antara bulan Mei dan September, ketika Bank Indonesia menaikkan suku bunga…
The Role of Expectations in Monetary Policy: Evolution of Theories and the Bank of Japan’s Experience episode 3
Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan Speech at the University of Oxford , June 8, 2017 4.New Challenges under Low Inflation It can be said that Japan’s experience over the past four years illustrates the effectiveness of the…
The Role of Expectations in Monetary Policy: Evolution of Theories and the Bank of Japan’s Experience – episode 2
Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan Speech at the University of Oxford, June 8, 2017 2.Deflation in Japan: Declines in Potential Growth Rate and Inflation Expectations. Since the 1990s, economic volatility has sharply decreased in many advanced economies.…
The Role of Expectations in Monetary Policy: Evolution of Theories and the Bank of Japan’s Experience – episode 1
Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor of the Bank of Japan Speech at the University of Oxford., June 8, 2017 Introduction I am very honored to have the opportunity to give a speech at Oxford University today. At the same time, it is…
October 2018 IMF Regional Economic Outlook for Asia and Pacific
Sebagaimana di sampaikan Menkeu dan Gubernur BI di Metro TV yang lalu bahwa dalam pertemuan di IMF dan WB Group Annual Meeting 2018 di Bali khususnya antara para Menkeu dan Pimpinan Bank Sentral dilakukan secara tertutup sehingga mereka dalam diskusi…
At IMF meeting in Indonesia, China’s globalization agenda gets left behind (episode 1)
by Yawen Chen, David Lawder Reuters, Okt 15, 2018 Nusa Dua, Indonesia – Tiga hari sebelum Presiden AS Donald Trump menjabat pada Januari 2017, Presiden China Xi Jinping menggambarkan Beijing sebagai juara dan pembela globalisasi di Forum Ekonomi Dunia Davos…
Problem Utang Jepang dan cara mengatasinya
Oleh Lakshya Narula pada 13 Mei 2017 Lakshya Narula hanyalah insinyur berusia 22 tahun yang beralih menjadi mahasiswa ekonomi yang mencoba membuat tekanan di komunitas ekonomi. Seorang mahasiswa ekonomi otodidak dan seorang penulis reguler di Quora yang ingin mengejar karir…
Per Jacobsson Panel: Is There a New Orthodoxy for monetary Policy
Opening Remarks: David Lipton David Lipton assumed the position of First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund on September 1, 2011. On March 28, 2016, he was reappointed for a second five-year term beginning September 1, 2016. Before…
IMF & World Bank Group Annual Meeting 2018 – Investing in People: The Time is Now
Global economic growth is continuing, but with intensified risks that include policy uncertainty, geopolitical developments, a gradual tightening of financing conditions, and a rise in debt levels and currency volatility. The World Bank Group is helping member countries address these…