This is the latest data of Gross Domestic Product in ASEAN , as released by the International Monetary fund World Economic Outlook 2021, with the Economic projection until 2026.
South East Asia Economy, will grow from 3 point 35 trillion to 3 point 61 trillion by 2022, up to 4 point 75 trillion US dollar by 2026. And at the same time, it will be home to 696 million people.
Ranking: Brunei – With Gross Domestic Product of 15 point 27 billion US dollar. while its GDP nominal per capita is 23,117 US dollar, rank 2nds in South East Asia.
Lao PDR – With Gross Domestic Product of 20 point 44 billion US dollar. while its GDP nominal per capita is 2,773 US dollar, rank 8ths in South East Asia.
Cambodia – With Gross Domestic Product of 27 point 23 billion US dollar. while its GDP nominal per capita is 1,720 US dollar, rank 9ths in South East Asia.
Myanmar – With Gross Domestic Product of 76 point 19 billion US dollar. while its GDP nominal per capita is 1,422 US dollar, rank 10ths in South East Asia.
Ranking in ASEAN-6 had been change since 2020. While the top economy in Southeast Asia are Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia.
posted by gandatmadi46@yahoo.com