Jim Yong Kim: Pujian dan Tantangan bagi Indonesia

President of World Bank, Jim Yong Kim  mengatakan dalam wawancara dengan CNN Indonesia tgl 31 Juli 2017 bahwa Indonesia membutuhkan Rp 6 ribu Trilyun dalam lima tahun ke depan guna menggoalkan target pembangunan infrastructure. Lantas, seperti apa tantangan dan solusi atas pembiayaan infrastruktur Indonesia di mata Presiden Bank Dunia, Jim Yong Kim?. Bagaimana seharusnya sektor swasta juga terlibat dalam pembangunan ini? Simak wawancara CNN Indonesia dengan Presiden Bank Dunia, Jim Yong Kim berikut ini.

Jim Yong Kim born December 8, 1959, also known as Kim Yong, is a South Korean-American physician and anthropologist who has served as the 12th President of the World Bank since July 1, 2012. A global health leader, he was formerly the Chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a co-founder and executive director of Partners In Health before serving as the President of Dartmouth College from 2009 to 2012, becoming the first Asian American president of an Ivy League institution. Kim was named the world’s 50th most powerful person by Forbes Magazine’s List of The World’s Most Powerful People in 2013

dari siaran CNN Indonesia tgl 31 Juli 2017


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