President Biden’s Federal Sustainability Plan to reduce emissions

President Biden signed an executive order and launched the Federal Sustainability Plan on December 08 2021, demonstrating how the federal government will leverage its scale and procurement power to lead by example in tackling the climate crisis. The executive order will reduce emissions across federal operations, invest in American clean energy industries and manufacturing, and create clean, healthy, and resilient communities.  

Through this executive order, the federal government will transform its portfolio of 300,000 buildings, fleet of 600,000 cars and trucks, and annual purchasing power of $650 billion in goods and services to:

*Transition federal infrastructure to zero-emission vehicles and buildings powered by carbon pollution-free electricity, which will reduce the federal government’s greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

*Make federal agencies more adaptive and resilient to the impacts of climate change, and increase the sustainability of federal supply chains, achieving net-zero emissions from federal procurement by 2050.  

*Mainstream sustainability within the federal workforce, advance equity and environmental justice, and leverage partnerships to accelerate progress.

The President’s executive order

The President is building on his whole-of-government effort to tackle the climate crisis in a way that creates well-paying jobs, grows industries, and makes the country more economically competitive.

Note: Executive orders are not legislation; they require no approval from Congress, and Congress cannot simply overturn them. Congress may pass legislation that might make it difficult, or even impossible, to carry out the order, such as removing funding

The President’s executive order directs the federal government to use its scale and procurement power to achieve five ambitious goals:

  • 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity (CFE) by 2030, at least half of which will be locally supplied clean energy to meet 24/7 demand;
  • 100 percent zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) acquisitions by 2035, including 100 percent zero-emission light-duty vehicle acquisitions by 2027;
  • Net-zero emissions from federal procurement no later than 2050, including a Buy Clean policy to promote use of construction materials with lower embodied emissions;
  • A net-zero emissions building portfolio by 2045, including a 50 percent emissions reduction by 2032; and
  • Net-zero emissions from overall federal operations by 2050, including a 65 percent emissions reduction by 2030.

In addition to the five new commitments that form the pillars of today’s executive action, the President also directed the federal government to orient its procurement and operations efforts in line with the following principles and goals:

  • Achieving climate resilient infrastructure and operations;
  • Building a climate- and sustainability-focused workforce;
  • Advancing environmental justice and equity;
  • Prioritizing the purchase of sustainable products, such as products without added perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); and
  • Accelerating progress through domestic and international partnerships.

Solar-on-Demand’s Standard Oil Company

Stake Your Claim in the $16 Trillion Energy Revolution

This energy revolution is growing by $50,000 per second … more than $117,650,000 of investment has flowed into it since you first heard about it today. This company is on track to make solar power not only cheaper than traditional energy, but also just as reliable. And it’s already paying off…

In 2020, it made more money than any other solar company — and all the oil supermajors combined…It has smart money piling in from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, JPMorgan Chase and Citadel…

Like it or not, our government has committed to powering America on 100% clean energy by 2035.

We’ve seen stories like this play out with Apple, which made investors more than 10 times their money in five years, when it revolutionized music technology…And Netflix, which disrupted the film and TV industry … and handed investors 43 times their money over 10 years.

But neither of them were operating in an industry as big as energy … and nor did they have an executive order behind them…

A big part of this $16 trillion energy revolution has to do with energy storage. Which is why more storage was added to our grid last year than in the previous five years combined.

And why by 2030, the global energy storage market is set to grow by 2,600%. This one company now controls more energy storage than any other company in the world. More than household names such as Tesla, Hyundai, NEC and Mitsubishi…

And it has contracts with over 30 Fortune 500 companies, including Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Alphabet (Google) and Walmart…On top of that, it’s growing at a staggering rate. It’s already closed enough contracts this year to quadruple its 2020 revenue.

But right now, this company is one of the best-kept secrets on the market. It’s currently just 0.2% the size of Tesla. And its shares trade for less than the price of a tank of gas.

However, it won’t stay a secret for long. Since February, Goldman Sachs, Jane Street, UBS, VanEck, Blackstone, Fidelity, AllianceBernstein and Soros Fund Management have each taken sizable positions in this company.

Frankly, the time to get into this company is now. Today — before the mainstream realizes just how big of an opportunity this is.


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