The American Dream is Dead ?

Adam Shatz di London Review of Books menulis artikel, Trump’s War on America menulis…

Pembunuhan Floyd oleh Polisi Minneapolis tepat ketika jumlah korban tewas di AS melebihi seratus ribu. Jumlah yang mengkhawatirkan dari mereka yang telah meninggal adalah orang kulit berwarna, terutama orang kulit hitam, yang banyak di antaranya menderita kondisi kesehatan buruk  dan tidak memiliki akses  perawatan kesehatan yang memadai.

Covid-19 has made clear how little black lives matter in the US, even as it has underscored the country’s dependence on black and brown ‘essential’ workers, who provide care, deliver packages and prepare food – all lines of work that have exposed them to the virus.

Pada tahun 1989, lima remaja berkulit hitam dan Latin, digambarkan oleh polisi sebagai sekelompok pemuda ‘liar’, dihukum secara salah atas penyerangan dan pemerkosaan seorang pelari kulit putih wanita di Central Park. Karena peristiwa itu Donald Trump mengeluarkan iklan di empat surat kabar New York City yang menyerukan hukuman mati diberlakukan kembali di New York; meskipun orang-orang itu kemudian dibebaskan dari semua dakwaan, ia terus bersikeras mereka bersalah.

iklan Trump

Former US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis broke silence on Wednesday amid the ongoing turbulent unrest across the United States, saying that President Donald Trump “tries to divide” the American people.  “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us,” said the revered Marine general, who resigned as the Pentagon chief in December 2018 in protest against Trump’s Syria policy.  “We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership,” Mattis continued in an article carried by the Atlantic magazine.

Secretary of defense Mark Esper

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