Seperti leapfrog atau lompatan katak bagi perekonomian Indonesia di kancah internasional – Presiden Jokowi Dua mega proyek di Kabupaten Bulungan 1.Kawasan Industri 2.Pelabuhan Internasional (KIPI) di Tanah Kuning Desa Mangkupadi Kecamatan Tanjung Palas Timur Serta Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA)…
Author: Gandatmadi Gondokusumo
The Future of the U.S. Dollar
The Future of the U.S. Dollar– October 6,2020 Panelists discuss the post-COVID-19 role of the U.S. dollar, options for alternative currencies, and the impact of U.S. economic and foreign policy on both. Speakers Eswar S. Prasad Tolani Senior Professor of…
Sorgum Industri Pertanian dan Turunannya
Sorghum is such a great crop. It’s very drought-adapted, it’s a very resilient crop. It has a bright future, particularly when we are facing the increasing pressure of climate change, with less inputs we can have more grain yield –…
A Conversation and Open Forum with Indonesian Former Foreign Minister Dr. Marty Natalegawa – 5/31/2022
This year, Indonesia’s diplomacy faces challenges of the kind it has not seen in generations. Its Presidency of the G-20, now occurring in the year of the Russo-Ukraine war, has given rise to widely varying views among G-20 members about…
Sekilas mengenai MMT (Modern Monetary Theory)
MMT atau teori moneter modern merupakan sebuah pendekatan dalam mengelola perekonomian. Teori ini dikembangkan sejak era 90-an oleh seorang pakar ekonomi Profesor Bill Mitchell dan beberapa orang akademisi asal Amerika Serikat seperti Profesor Randall Wray dan Stephanie Kelton, serta seorang…
21st Century Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve from the Great Inflation to COVID-19.”
As Federal Reserve chair from 2006 to 2014, Ben Bernanke helped steer the economy through the turmoil of the global financial crisis and the Great Recession. Now a distinguished fellow in residence at the Hutchins Center at Brookings, Bernanke explains…
Dunia akan menghadapi resesi?
Sejumlah pemimpin dan ekonom dari berbagai negara memprediksi dunia akan mengalami resesi ekonomi hingga 2023, akibat dampak perang Rusia-Ukraina. Dampak terburuk resesi ekonomi diprediksi akan dialami tgiga negara, yakni Amerika Serikat (AS), Inggris, dan Jerman. Peringatan terbaru disampaikan Perdana Menteri…
President Obama & FM Sri Mulyani Indrawati : How To Create The Next Generation
On September 8, 2009, President Barack Obama delivered a national address to the students of America. During this special address, the president spoke directly to the nation’s children and youth about persisting and succeeding in school. The president challenged students…
Albert H. Gordon Lecture presented by Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Finance Minister of Indonesia at Havard Kennedy School
March 7, 2017 Sri Mulyani Indrawati Against the backdrop of the New World Order, characterized by the rise of nationalism and protectionism, Indonesia has shown renewed commitment to global cooperation, while aggressively pursuing shared prosperity to improve the lives of…
Washington DC (May 12 – 12, 2022) – US Asean Summit 2022
U.S. & ASEAN’ Summit as Commits to Raise Level of Ties U.S. President Joe Biden said on Saturday a first summit in Washington, D.C., with leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) marked the launch of a “new…