Published May 23, 2022 Back Ground The Great Inflation Bernanke begins his book with a cautionary tale from American history known as “The Great Inflation.” For most of the country’s history, Bernanke writes, inflation had rarely been a big problem.…
The Future of the U.S. Dollar – end
Panelists discuss the post-COVID-19 role of the U.S. dollar, options for alternative currencies, and the impact of U.S. economic and foreign policy on both. Speakers Eswar S. Prasad Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy, Cornell University; Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution…
Shifting Geopolitical Tectonic Plates
Juni 2022 Oleh PIERRE-OLIVIER GOURINCHAS IMF’s economic counsellor and director of the Research Department. A more fragmented (disintegrated) world will need the IMF more, not less Invasi Rusia ke Ukraina telah membuka babak baru dalam hubungan internasional, dengan implikasi penting…
The Future of US Dollar – continue 1
Panelists discuss the post-COVID-19 role of the U.S. dollar, options for alternative currencies, and the impact of U.S. economic and foreign policy on both. Speakers Eswar S. Prasad Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy, Cornell University; Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution…
The Future of the U.S. Dollar
The Future of the U.S. Dollar– October 6,2020 Panelists discuss the post-COVID-19 role of the U.S. dollar, options for alternative currencies, and the impact of U.S. economic and foreign policy on both. Speakers Eswar S. Prasad Tolani Senior Professor of…
Sekilas mengenai MMT (Modern Monetary Theory)
MMT atau teori moneter modern merupakan sebuah pendekatan dalam mengelola perekonomian. Teori ini dikembangkan sejak era 90-an oleh seorang pakar ekonomi Profesor Bill Mitchell dan beberapa orang akademisi asal Amerika Serikat seperti Profesor Randall Wray dan Stephanie Kelton, serta seorang…
21st Century Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve from the Great Inflation to COVID-19.”
As Federal Reserve chair from 2006 to 2014, Ben Bernanke helped steer the economy through the turmoil of the global financial crisis and the Great Recession. Now a distinguished fellow in residence at the Hutchins Center at Brookings, Bernanke explains…
Dunia akan menghadapi resesi?
Sejumlah pemimpin dan ekonom dari berbagai negara memprediksi dunia akan mengalami resesi ekonomi hingga 2023, akibat dampak perang Rusia-Ukraina. Dampak terburuk resesi ekonomi diprediksi akan dialami tgiga negara, yakni Amerika Serikat (AS), Inggris, dan Jerman. Peringatan terbaru disampaikan Perdana Menteri…
Realisasi Pertumbuhan PDB kwartal I 2022 Versus Proyeksi
Realisasi Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) melaporkan, ekonomi Indonesia pada triwulan I 2021 tumbuh positif 5,01% secara year-on-year (YoY). Sementara itu jika dibandingkan dengan triwulan IV 2021 atau q-to-q, ekonomi Indonesia pada triwulan I 2022 terkontraksi sebesar 0,96%. BPS perekonomian Indonesia…
the government bond yields – 2
Further contributing to the uptick in 10-year government bond yields in some emerging East Asian markets was a downgrade of the sovereign rating outlook by major rating agencies. In April, S&P Global downgraded Indonesia’s sovereign rating outlook to negative from…