On September 8, 2009, President Barack Obama delivered a national address to the students of America. During this special address, the president spoke directly to the nation’s children and youth about persisting and succeeding in school. The president challenged students…
Albert H. Gordon Lecture presented by Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Finance Minister of Indonesia at Havard Kennedy School
March 7, 2017 Sri Mulyani Indrawati Against the backdrop of the New World Order, characterized by the rise of nationalism and protectionism, Indonesia has shown renewed commitment to global cooperation, while aggressively pursuing shared prosperity to improve the lives of…
Washington DC (May 12 – 12, 2022) – US Asean Summit 2022
U.S. & ASEAN’ Summit as Commits to Raise Level of Ties U.S. President Joe Biden said on Saturday a first summit in Washington, D.C., with leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) marked the launch of a “new…
From thinker to observer
Peningkatan sektor HRD Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati menyampaikan Indonesia akan bisa menjadi ekonomi dengan ukuran 5 terbesar di dunia, sesuai dengan visi Indonesia menjadi negara maju di tahun 2045. Hal tersebut dapat dicapai apabila Indonesia mampu menjaga implementasi…
Realisasi Pertumbuhan PDB kwartal I 2022 Versus Proyeksi
Realisasi Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) melaporkan, ekonomi Indonesia pada triwulan I 2021 tumbuh positif 5,01% secara year-on-year (YoY). Sementara itu jika dibandingkan dengan triwulan IV 2021 atau q-to-q, ekonomi Indonesia pada triwulan I 2022 terkontraksi sebesar 0,96%. BPS perekonomian Indonesia…
Regulation has to be part of the answer’ to combating online disinformation, Barack Obama
During a speech at Stanford University on Thursday, former U.S. President Barack Obama presented his audience with a stark choice: “Do we allow our democracy to wither, or do we make it better?” Over the course of an hour-long address, Obama outlined…
Ketergantungan karena berkurangnya konsumsi Crude Oil mengisolasi dari 1970’s Crude shock.
Ketergantungan karena berkurangnya konsumsi Crude Oil mengisolasi dari 1970’s Crude shock. Oleh Nico Valckx Perang di Ukraina dan sanksi terhadap Rusia berdampak besar terhadap ekonomi terutama untuk energi. Harga minyak telah naik, tetapi kenaikan sebagian besar telah tertahan berkat kapasitas…
the government bond yields – 2
Further contributing to the uptick in 10-year government bond yields in some emerging East Asian markets was a downgrade of the sovereign rating outlook by major rating agencies. In April, S&P Global downgraded Indonesia’s sovereign rating outlook to negative from…
Raising interest rates?
US Federal Reserve signals 6 more interest rate hikes for 2022 as Inflation projection raised 4,3 % from 2,6 %. The FED after it raised rates by 25 basis points to range between 0.25% and 0.50%. The Fed’s median federal…
Recession Remedies
On Thursday, April 28, 2022, The Hamilton Project and Hutchins Center hosted an in-person event, which was also livestreamed online, featuring an introductory welcome from former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin, the keynote address from Secretary Yellen, and closing…