Note: The above discusion was base on this book ASIA’S JOURNEY POLICY, MARKET, AND TECHNOLOGY OVER 50 YEARS by ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Published in 2020. Posted by
IEA: Equity, Sustainability and Prosperity in a Fractured World (July 2,2021).
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Averting Catastrophic Debt Crises in Developing Countries Extraordinary challenges call for extraordinary measures (3)
July 2020 Joseph Stiglitz and Hamid Rashid Columbia University FORCE MAJEURE, NECESSITY AND RELATED LEGAL DOCTRINES It is reasonable for debtor countries in the current pandemic to invoke force majeure – a catchall phrase for the breaking of a contract…
How Much Globalization Do We Really Need: Dani Rodrik
TRANSCRIPT Dani Rodrik (DR) Thank you Nazan, thank you very much for the invitation. Thank you also, Shingirai, for the invitation. It’s very nice to be virtually at Wellesley with this audience. The title that I gave for my…
Averting Catastrophic Debt Crises in Developing Countries Extraordinary challenges call for extraordinary measures (2)
July 2020 Joseph Stiglitz and Hamid Rashid Columbia University THE SOVEREIGN DEBT BUBBLE: THE ROLE OF THE CREDITOR COUNTRIES While it is generally believed excessive liquidity and leverage caused the global financial crisis, the United States and Europe responded to…
Averting Catastrophic Debt Crises in Developing Countries Extraordinary challenges call for extraordinary measures (1)
July 2020 Joseph Stiglitz and Hamid Rashid Columbia University The United Nations has described vividly the magnitude of the problem. More than half of countries worldwide – and two-thirds of the world’s population – will suffer the consequences of inaction.…
Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP)
“Being a tiger is not important. The important thing is for us to have a sufficient economy. A sufficient economy means to have enough to support ourselves…we have to take a careful step backward…each village or district must be…
ES API (methane hydrate )
Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif mengumumkan bahwa Indonesia menyimpan potensi methane hydrate (metana hidrat) yang bisa menggantikan minyak bumi, batu bara, dan gas Metana hidrat adalah senyawa hidro karbon yang unik, karena tidak seperti energi fosil lain yang…
Firm Growth and Corruption: Empirical Evidence from Vietnam
Oleh Jie Bai, Seema Jayachandran, Edmund J Malesky, Benjamin A Olken OXFORD ACADEMIC The Economic Journal, February 2019, Published: 17 October 2017 Artikel ini menguji apakah pertumbuhan perusahaan mengurangi korupsi, menggunakan data dari lebih dari 10.000 perusahaan Vietnam. Kami menggunakan…
Budiman Sudjatmiko, politikus intelektual – dari Manifesto PRD hingga Bukit Alogaritma
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